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FEAST - truffle

Auf Trüffelsuche – Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in Umbrien

Begleite Bruno, den erfahrenen Trüffelsucher, auf einer spannenden Suche nach den wertvollen Trüffeln in Umbrien

Information about Truffle hunt with Bruno

Umbrian truffles, renowned for their rich aroma and earthy flavor, are a culinary treasure in central Italy. Found in the lush woodlands of Umbria, these truffles enhance dishes with their unique taste. Seasonal truffle festivals celebrate this delicacy, drawing food enthusiasts eager to savor the exquisite black and white varieties.

Interesting facts about Truffle hunt with Bruno

Variety: Umbria is famous for both black and white truffles. The prized black truffle, also known as the "black diamond," is typically harvested in winter, while the aromatic white truffle is found in the fall.

Hunting Tradition: Truffle hunting in Umbria is a time-honored tradition, often involving trained dogs. These dogs are skilled at sniffing out the buried truffles, which grow in the roots of trees like oaks and hazelnuts.

Culinary Festivals: Umbria hosts several truffle festivals, such as the famous Black Truffle Festival in Norcia. These events attract chefs and food lovers from around the world, offering a chance to taste and purchase fresh truffles, as well as enjoy truffle-infused dishes.

Possible Activities in Truffle hunt with Bruno

food stand

Food Tour



land tour

Guided land tour

Our trips to Truffle hunt with Bruno

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